How to Update XVR/NVR Firmware via SmartPSS


- This page will show you how to update the firmware of your VCAM XVR/NVR via SmartPSS remote access.


- SmartPSS downloaded and installed.

- A VCAM XVR or NVR connected to SmartPSS.

- Appropriate .bin firmware file for said XVR or NVR saved to the computer containing SmartPSS.


- From the main page of SmartPSS, click Device CFG.


- Click to select your XVR/NVR from the device tree on the left side of the screen.


- Click Upgrade.


- Click the folder icon.


- Locate the .bin firmware file, select it, and click Open.


- Click Firmware Upgrade to begin the firmware update process.


- A prompt will appear to confirm the upgrade process.


- A prompt will appear to confirm a successful upgrade.