How to Convert Recording Filetype Using ConvertTool


- This guide will show you how to use ConvertTool to change the proprietary recording filetype to a universal filetype viewable on most modern devices.


- ConvertTool or Toolbox downloaded and installed.

- A video file exported from your VCAM XVR or NVR, accessible by the computer containing ConvertTool.


- On your computer, open the ConvertTool program or launch it from the Toolbox suite.

- Click New Task.


- Click Add.


- Navigate to the folder containing your video recording and select the video file you want to convert.


- Select the output directory that you want your converted video saved to and select the format of the video you would like (we recommend .AVI for universal compatibility).


- Click Start Conversion.


- You should be able to see the conversion progress and, if successful, a completion notice.